Psychological Conditions
Chinese medicine has been treating mental-emotional complaints throughout its two thousand year history. Besides treating a wide range of physical disorders Chinese medicine has also been used to address a wide range of psychological conditions. For example, recent studies carried out by researchers in Europe and other countries have demonstrated the effectiveness of Acupuncture for treating certain types of depression.
Through its subtle diagnostic approach Chinese medicine seeks to determine and correct imbalances in the body that can be the root cause of mental –emotional disorders. The following list shows some of the common psychological disorders that can be addressed using Chinese medicine.
- Anxiety / Stress/ Post Traumatic Stress Disorder
- Addictions and withdrawal
- Depression / Mania
- Seasonal Affective Disorder
- Emotional Disturbances such as irritability, anger, prolonged sadness and inability to relax.
- Obsessive – compulsive disorders/tendencies.