Your skin is one of the largest and most vulnerable organs of your body. Skin disorders can be very irritating and because the skin is so visible, these disorders can lead to psychological stress. Dermatology is a recognized specialty in Traditional Chinese Medicine. Acupuncture and Chinese herbs offer a natural solution to improving your skins condition. These treatments can improve the quality of your skin and bring effective relief to conditions that affect the way you look and feel.
Cosmetic acupuncture treatments (facial rejuvenation) for men and women can help to reduce the effects of aging by improving blood and energy circulation to the various zones of the face.
Some of the most common dermatological conditions that can respond to treatment with Chinese medicine are listed below.
- Adult and teenage Acne
- Alopecia
- Eczema,
- Dermatitis
- Dry or itchy skin
- Herpes Zoster / Shingles
- Sagging under-nourished skin and wrinkles