Acupuncture is one of the many varied therapies that make up Traditional Chinese Medicine. Is a specific method of treatment that brings with it unique benefits.
Acupuncture therapy combines the use ultra thin, single use disposable needles to gently stimulate a variety of acu-points located in different areas of the body. The stimulation of these acu-points enhances the bodys own natural healing abilities by restoring balance, harmony and function to the many different internal organ systems. Treatments are aimed not only at alleviating your symptoms but also at rectifying the root cause of the disharmony.
Acupuncture is a relaxing therapy and most people experience a sense of calm and wellbeing with each session. It can be used by people of all ages and is particularly effective in treating pain and tension in the body, strengthening immunity, and reducing the negative effects of mental and emotional stress. Acupuncture can also be safely used during pregnancy and to aid fertility as well as treat a range of childhood illnesses.
Some common conditions that can be treated with Acupuncture are:
- Neck / Shoulder/ Back / Knee /Ankle Pain
- Tennis / Golfers Elbow
- Frozen Shoulder
- Sciatica
- Migraine/ Headache
- Digestive disorders
- Menstrual Irregularities / Infertility
- Anxiety / Stress / Depression
- Skin Complaints
- Allergic Rhinitis